Gulp JS

Minifying Css & Javascript

Gulp Js

After playing around with various task runners and build tools a couple of months ago I tried out Gulp Js. It has quickly become my favourite. The syntax for me is easier to read than Grunt Json files and it offers much more flexibility than Codekit.

Here is a basic run through on how to setup Gulp to run a few basic tasks.

To use Gulp you will need to install Node Js. Download the installer here and it will get job done for you.

You can now install Gulp. I like to install it globally so in your terminal enter:

npm install -g gulp

Now we will need to install gulp locally for your project. In your project’s root directory run.

npm install gulp

Now you can create a file called: gulpfile.js and place it in your projects root dirctory. In it’s most basic form your gulpfile.js could look like this:

var gulp = require('gulp');

gulp.task('default', function() {
	 // place code for your default task here

This won’t actually run any tasks how ever so lets add a couple of plugins so we can get things moving.

First we are going to install gulp-minify-css. Back into your terminal and enter:

npm install gulp-minify-css

The Node Package Manager (npm) will install the plugin for us.

After we minify our css we also want to rename the file before we save it. To do this we can grab another plugin:

npm install gulp-rename

Ok we have installed the two plugins we need to minify our css lets require them in our gulpfile.js and create a task to do the minifying.

var gulp = require('gulp');
var minifyCSS = require('gulp-minify-css');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');

//Minify Css
gulp.task('minify-css', function() {


//Default Gulp Task
gulp.task('default', ['minify-css']);

When requiring plugins they can be assigned to variables so we can call them again later in our code by the assigned variable names. In this case minifyCSS and rename. We can then create a gulp.task assign it a name and pass it a function to run.

In our function we will first grab the file we want the task to target. In this case we are going to target a file called main.css in the css directory of our project. We can do this with gulp.src(‘./css/main.css’).

Gulp can use the Node .pipe() funtion to process data. We can use this to run our funtions for this task.

Firstly we minify our css using .pipe(minifyCSS()) and then we use the rename plugin to save the minified css to another file with .pipe(rename(‘main.min.css’)) so we keep our main.css file easy to work with for future development.

Finally we can use .pipe(gulp.dest(‘./css/’)) to save our new file we are going to save it back into the css directory here.

Ok lets set a default task for Gulp to run. Set up a task and call it default and pass a javascript array of existing task names to run as the second parameter like so gulp.task(‘default’, [‘minify-css’]);

Now in the terminal in the root directory of you project enter


and all your default tasks will be run. So for us we should have a nicely minified file in the css directory of our project named main.min.css.

Well thats our css sorted but what about our javascript? We can use npm again to install another plugin gulp-uglify to take care of this for us.

npm install gulp-uglify

From here we can basically repeat the same process described above for the css to handle the js. Requiring the new plugin and creating a new function using the gulp-uglify plugin.

Our gulpfile.js should now look like this:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var minifyCSS = require('gulp-minify-css');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');

//Minify Css
gulp.task('minify-css', function() {


//Uglify Js
gulp.task('compress-js', function() {

//Default Gulp Task
gulp.task('default', ['minify-css', 'compress-js']);

Notice I added the compress-js task to the array in the second parameter of gulp.task(‘default’, [‘minify-css’, ‘compress-js’]);

Now run


again and we should have some minified javascript and css.

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